What is AeroSeal?


A Simple processes to ensure precise sealing in just a few hours.

First: Set up the Air Duct System

Second: Seals your leak with precision.

We monitor the system’s performance and show you all the improvements, as they happen.

The technology is so precise we only use the amount of sealant necessary, with little to no waste.

The process can be completed in 60 minutes to a couple of hours, depending on what the initial system leakage amounts.

Our team will block all vents and register to pressurize your system. The internal components of the furnace are blocked off the protect them from the sealant being blown through the ductwork.

The system pressurization allows the technology to find all the cracks and holes where air is leaking.

This step also includes hooking up the Aeroseal machine to measure your pre-seal air duct leakage, giving you a before and after snap shop.

A Certificate of Completion, including both before and after system leakage measurements can be given to you.

Most importantly you will feel the difference right away.

Third: Go over the results with you.

Request an Estimate

John T. Gallegos



Matt Segura



42 Bisbee Court

Santa Fe, NM 87502